Thursday, 26 July 2012

Are you a budding journalist or photographer? Then get in touch!! Send us your articlesinterviews and photographs for the chance to have your work published and seen by over 2million people!

When you submit an article for the next issue of The New Londoners, your article will also be considered for publication on our new media4us news website at and we’ll be choosing a selection of articles from the site to include in the Metro.

The Metro UK is currently the largest national free newspaper in the world! In November we will be taking over 4 pages of the London edition and filling it with stories, articles and photographs to celebrate ‘Cultural Mosaic’. The aim is to highlight migrants’ contributions to life in London and we want to hear from you!

Articles and accompanying photos should be submitted to  by August 17th 2012.

Not familiar with The New Londoners?
Have a look at previous issues at

The media4us Photo Competition – deadline 1st August

To run alongside this we are also running a Cultural Mosaic Photography Competition which aims to find photographs that truly capture the cultural diversity found in the UK.

The Prize?
A money can’t buy opportunity to have your work published and seen by over 2million readers & £250 cash to congratulate yourself on your win!

Photos must be submitted by 1st August with a caption to and further details can be found at

Sara Wickert
External Projects Coordinator
(My working days are Tues – Fri)

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Migrants Resource Centre                                                Description: Description: EIF logo
24 Churton Street

Tel: 020 7834 2505 ext: 106
Fax: 020 7931 8187

Migrants Resource Centre has a vision of a British Society in which migrants and refugees are empowered and valued for their contribution to society.

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