Friday, 28 June 2013

Transitions food security professional posted by Oxfam to Jordan to support Syrian refugees

Ahmedin Ali, Food Security and Refugee Support professional
Current Job & Employer Food Security and Livelihoods (EFSL) Adviser: Oxfam: Humanitarian Department
Country of origin: Eritrea

What were the issues keeping you out of work?
I am a refugee professional holding a BSc (hons) degree in Agriculture, with very intensive experience and knowledge in agricultural research and humanitarian international development work. I worked for UN agencies and INGOs in different capacities including agriculture consultant and Senior levels in different countries in East Africa and worked with people who were affected by drought, displaced by conflict and refugees.

Upon arrival in the UK I tried to catch up and started exploring opportunities by sending out CVs including registration with refugee and humanitarian organizations based in UK. However, my efforts weren’t fruitful due to lack of having UK experience, and unfamiliarity with the cultural issues including ways of addressing job applications, developing professional profile, writing relevant effective CVs, lack of work placement and internship and other barriers such as availability of decent accommodation.
I decided to volunteer accordingly I joined one of the refugee supporting organizations in south west London. Fortunately, I have been informed about Transitions and advised to register with them.

I became a client of Transitions following an application and selection procedure.  It was a turning point in my life. I have been given very useful information on how the UK job market works and also provided with additional relevant links and networks to explore and join. I was able to address above mentioned bottleneck challenges through a very useful and very effective support and coaching procedure. I developed confidence and self-esteem. The assistance and support include securing an internship with British Red Cross on GIS, part-time employment, via the Transitions recruitment service, as an adviser with Refugee Action Kingston and other relevant direct and indirect support.
 I am very Indebted to Transitions in getting current overseas appointment.  They introduced me to the Red Cross register, coached me to submit a competitive application and provided interview practice.

What things made a difference?
- Continuous job searching with Transitions support
- Developing a professional profile file
- Recognition and registration with professional bodies & RedR
- Volunteering and internship
- Setting a strategic career plan and devising present, medium and long term target
- Specialization strategy
- Developing and establishing career supporting networks

How is your career going now?
I succeeded in an interview and joined Oxfam-Humanitarian Department as an Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods (EFSL) Adviser.

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